"Created in 1988 BBS Abogados Asociados Asesores Legales y Tributarios specializes in all the fields that make up the law of the company."
BBS Abogados, specialists in banking malpractice.
The professional law firm BBS ABOGADOS has established itself as a benchmark firm in the fight of consumers and businessmen against bad banking practices, both in Catalonia and throughout the national territory.
The professional firm BBS ABOGADOS has established itself as a benchmark firm in the fight of consumers and businessmen against bad banking practices, both in Catalonia and throughout the national territory.
After the passage of the crisis and the outbreak of numerous financial scandals (swaps, floor clause, multi-currency mortgages, IRPH, etc.), Arcadi Sala-Planell Esqué and his professional team, offered a legal defense to those first affected who dared to stand up to the banks in court, reaping the first victories. The beginnings were not easy but finally the judicial system, with the help of the Court of Justice of the European Union, has ended up giving an optimal response to the manifestly unfair and disproportionate banking situations.
In our desire to continue offering our clients our services in the defense of their interests, we decided to defend those affected by the so-called “Multicurrency Mortgage”.
It has not been an easy journey, but from the first claims requesting the nullity of the multi-currency mortgages until today in 2018, the situation has changed drastically. From the harsh beginnings we have observed how justice, both at the national and at the European level, has positioned itself in favor of those affected by this devastating banking product. Favorable pronouncements such as those of the Court of Justice of the European Union in September 2017 and the Supreme Court in November 2017, cause us to find ourselves in an unbeatable situation to achieve the nullity of the multi-currency by applying the Euribor (and the differential stipulated for it) from the beginning of the Multicurrency Mortgage loan.